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Hydration Before Caffeination Fam!

Are you one of the millions of people out in the world suffering from low energy? Good news! Hydration can help change that.

Why drink water?

Water is crucial to our survival, we will typically only live for three days without it.

It is the basis of all life and that includes your body, in fact, we are approximately two-thirds water!


Dehydration causes dysfunction of the process behind energy production. In other words, if you’re as parched as a parrot, you will be as sluggish as, well, a slug?!

The body battles to repair and replace cells when dehydrated, which increases your risk of disease and death.

Our cells lose water as we age, compounding that, dehydration speeds up the ageing process which will show on your face. Yup, the skin cops it big time! On the bright side, optimum cellular hydration slows down and even reverses biological ageing.

In a dehydrated state, you end up accumulating toxins due to a lack of electrical energy flow. Water and adequate cellular hydration is crucial in helping remove toxins and oxidants from your body.

The Medical Medium and Dr Zach Bush both describe chronic dehydration as a common health concern, and often we don’t realise it…or even feel thirsty!

The ‘Dehydrators’:

  1. Environmental toxins/pollutants

  2. Coffee

  3. Caffeinated tea

  4. Soda

  5. Alcohol

  6. Salt

  7. A diet high in fat/high in protein/consisting exclusively of cooked food

These all contribute to dehydration – even if you’re drinking plenty of water!

Other Contributors:

  1. A lack of minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride)

  2. Poor adrenal gland function (often due to chronic stress, trauma, excess caffeine or alcohol)

Water Quality…

Awareness regarding water quality is essential, however, we don’t all have access to the same quality of water throughout the world.


Chlorine is a chemical added to drinking water to eliminate pathogens/disinfect, so that it is safer to drink. However it does have some shortcomings in that it can adversely affect our health.

It affects beneficial gut microbes, and our gut is responsible for approximately 70% of our immune system function. Ideally we don’t want to ingest anything that will harm our gut microbiota.

There are ways in which we can remove this chemical (and other contaminants) to prevent potential health impacts. Filtration options are available to suit all budgets; including:

  1. Carbon and ultraviolet (UV) filters

  2. Filter-Alkalisers such as Kangen

  3. Reverse osmosis filters

  4. On-tap systems

  5. Water filtration jugs

  6. Drink bottles

You can also remove some, but not all, of the chlorine from your water via evaporation by boiling it, or allowing it sit uncovered in the fridge for 24 hours.


The water you drink can be urinated out before it even has the chance to get into your cells.

Sayyyyy whaaaatttt???

You see, adequate hydration is not simply about drinking enough water throughout the day, it’s about getting the water inside your cells. 

How do we do that?

Water consumed via food goes a long way in replenishing cellular hydration. Raw fruits and vegetables contain cellular water – they are surrounded by molecules that enable the entry of water into cells.

We absorb cellular water from raw fruit and vege slowly, which provides us with lasting hydration.

An added bonus?

Consuming your water through fruits and vegetables means that you reap the benefits of all the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fibre that these foods provide. 

Ways to achieve cellular hydration:

  1. A large glass to 1 litre of lemon water first thing every morning (brush teeth beforehand and swish with water after to protect enamel)

  2. Have a teaspoon of greens powder in a large glass of water

  3. Add a pinch of baking soda or quality sea salt to your water for minerals

  4. Include an abundance of raw fruit and vegetables in your daily diet (i.e. a daily smoothie and salad)

  5. Drink plenty of high quality filtered water or other hydrating drinks such as coconut water and cucumber juice throughout the day

  6. Humic/fulvic acid supplement

  7. Reducing exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (cell phones, computers, WIFI etc.)

Although simply drinking more water isn’t enough to remedy dehydration, the current science stipulates 33 millilitres of water per kilogram of body weight as optimal.

So the next time you feel that afternoon slump sneaking up on you, reach for a piece of fruit and a glass of water and trust that your cells will love you for it.

Until next time,

Hannah xx

P.S. Hydration before caffeination whānau!

Websites for more information:

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